If you are someone who wants to dive deep into studying the Bible and connecting to the word of God, bible journaling is an excellent way to do that! A bible journal can be as simple as a notebook, or if you want to get really creative, you can grab a sketchbook and some pencils, watercolours, or any other art supplies to creatively express the ways that you are connecting to God. Keeping a journal specifically for the bible helps you to truly reflect on the teachings and integrate them into your life. Alternatively, you can also get a ‘journaling bible’ that has large margins for you to jot down notes.

In your bible journal, you can use creative lettering to write out parts of scripture that stand out and speak to you, create art in response to a verse that moved you, write out prayers, and reflect on how the passages relate to situations in your own life. The possibilities are endless for this devotional practice. 
Sherin Thawer is a Christian motivational speaker and children’s book author who knows the importance of connecting with the word of God. In her blog, she writes about all things related to Christian life.